Back to blogging- My new passion

My last blog was in 2013.... A lot have happened over the last 6 years. I was too busy trying to build my career and family and completely ignored this blog. Its not about ignorance though. My passion for cooking still remains the same, its just that I don't get enough time to share my experiments with you. Moreover, my equally passionate hubby tries to take over the kitchen, and I should not deny that he is a Good cook . Lucky me ;)  Off course I had Nigel with me as I started my Blogging journey, now I have my 2 year old addition Noel. All 3 boys keep me on my toe. But lets see. I'm back, without a desire to vanish.

All those who know me well, know that i have a strong liking for food. My other interests is without doubt my profession, the healthcare field. The adrenaline rush of being in an Emergency situation. Whooo..... nothing can compare to that feel!!! But life wasn't very kind to me... somehow I am being pushed back into life support training.... I wouldn't mind. I feel good when I prepare healthcare professionals,lay rescuers and students to be prepared to handle any emergency situation. From being an AHA BLS instructor for 4 years, now progressed into an ASHI advance Life support instructor, I have no clue what life holds for me, but i'm pretty much sure I am all set to enjoy every bit of it.

Please support me for this restarted venture..... wait for my upcoming posts.


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